Tell Your Story Through Audio!

The TalkShoe Podcasting platform is offering Dundurn Press authors a free consult and tour of TalkShoe’s Online Podcasting Studio.
Book Your Demo Now
women reading
an illustration of a podcast with downloading progress bars floating above his head

Are you an author looking to expand your reach and take your talents into the podcasting space?

With your free demo, you’ll learn how to:

  • Create your personal podcaster page and enable your online recording studio
  • Create new shows within your podcast page
  • Record and/or upload episodes to your shows
  • Distribute your podcast shows over multiple channels
  • Much more
Book Your Demo Now

Augment your storytelling prowess through the power of online audio with TalkShoe

As an author, you should use podcasting to diversify your promotional toolbox! TalkShoe is a FREE platform providing authors with the necessary tools to create and host their podcasts.

  • Unlimited usage, podcast hosting, and storage
  • Produce professional-sounding podcasts with high-quality audio and video
  • Easily syndicate your podcast across different aggregators and platforms
  • Live stream your podcast for listeners to join in
  • Know precisely how your podcast is performing with state-of-the-art analytics
  • Several monetization opportunities to fit your podcast
  • Transcribe all of your podcasts for fast access to content


Sign Up For Your Free Account

Raconteurs, conversationalists, yarn spinners...
Hear what other TalkShoe podcasters have to say:

  • "The TalkShoe podcast platform is fantastic! It’s super easy to produce, stream, record and share via RSS feed, not to mention the hosting and unlimited storage is free! It’s the perfect platform for those new to podcasting or for professional casters. Give it a try!"

    Todd Shapiro

    The Todd Shapiro Show, SiriusXM
  • "As a long-time Podcaster, I love TalkShoe's functionality, ease of use, and constant refinements & updates! I highly recommend it for seasoned podcasters & vloggers, keen amateurs & enthusiasts. TalkShoe will give you the showcase you've wanted and much more!"

    Dave Cooper

    The Cultdom Collective Podcast